I have to say that my heart skipped a beat when I read the  title of this 
email because I was afraid that the site might be in danger. I am  so glad it 
is not the case. 
The site is invaluable to research on lace. I often encounter  people doing 
research at the museum who have already been to the site on  their research 
journey. Sometimes they are eager to tell me about it! I know  that museum 
professionals have it bookmarked for reference. It is a very  valuable tool 
that has been provided to the lace research world through the  extraordinary 
efforts of a few people, Tess, Ralph Griswold and John  Cropper and others 
who have provided access to works. 
I am so grateful for the work they have put in on this. Not  only is it 
important for those people already in the lace world, but it is a  very rich 
portal for those people entering it.
In a message dated 12/4/2012 4:32:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
tess1...@aol.com writes:

I have  received inquiries off and on over the years about the future of 
the "Arizona"  Archives website.                   

John Cropper has  been a faithful and devoted guardian of the site ever 
since Ralph Griswold  ("The Professor") died, and although there hasn't been 
much activity recently,  the site is still there as useful as ever for any who 
are doing research or  who are interested in lace.  I have been pleased to 
meet lacemakers all  over the world who use the information collected for so 
long by so many  people, and it is very gratifying to know that it will 
stay active as long as  it is needed.

Tess Parrish (tess1...@aol.com) in Maine, USA

Here  is John Cropper's reassuring answer to the question:

Hi Tess

The  Archive was never really officially part of the CS department or the  
University and was a personal 
project for Ralph that I got involved in as  a friend. That being said - 
the Archive is being reported as part
of the CS  department "outreach" and as such has some 'brownie point' value 
for  them.  I left the 
department on good terms and continue to be in  contact with them.

So, unless I am hit by lightning or there is a major  change in attitude in 
the CS department I do not see
any need to worry  about the site going off-line for a few years.

With these concerns in  mind I shall make a backup copy of the site and put 
it out on another  webserver
as a "just in case" scenario. Thus the short answer is that the  site 
should continue for quite a while at its current location :)

John  Cropper

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