Yesterday I picked up a magazine as it said 'The Art of the lacemaker' on the 
front. Looking inside I saw the article was about Arachne's own Jean Leader. So 
I bought the magazine and sat down to read. The article was interesting and 
there was a nice series of photos down the side showing a good selection of 
lace types. A photo of Jean's pillow with lace in progress showed bobbin lace 
but the photo at the top which had a piece within it describing how bobbin lace 
is made was actually crochet! On the following pages were ideas on how to use 
lace doilies in the home.... from stiffening them to make bowls, covering 
stones with them and cutting them up to make bunting. The most disturbing was 
the image of a nice Battenburg doily being pressed into biscuit dough to 
imprint the pattern......

Nice to have lace out there in the press but no mention was made of making sure 
it wasn't Granny's heirloom lace you were pressing into the dough or chopping 

Lots of nice other stuff in the magazine too.. called Landscape ISBN 2049-8950  
£3.90 in the UK

in a slightly chilly but sunshiny (at last) Baldock, North Herts, UK

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