Hi Brenda,
Remembered your book very soon after sending the original email and checking out threads and numbers got it about right I think judging by an email from another Arachnid, so am happy to change threads for the next one and expect it to be much better. I took the finished one off the pillow and while its not the best piece of lace I have ever made its not too bad. hanging up with the christmas decorations it will look ok, so at least I dont need to throw it away or put it into a folder never to see the light of day. I have two other threads which appear to be the right size for that change, so next one will he worked using one of those, Many thanks and when you leave our county of Dorset you are more than welcome to take the wet and the wind with you:-)
Sue T
In dryer and brighter Dorset today.

Sue wrote:
I am working one of Christine springetts circular pieces in a bangle and
carried on using the 36/2 she mentioned only using egyptian cotton which I
like.   But, to get it to sit in my bangle I increased the size of the
to 119% and carried on with it anyway.

Hi Sue
I'm away from home (in wet and windy Dorset!) so can't look anything up
properly, but I'd suggest trying a 30/2 cotton to start with.

If you don't get a satisfactory answer in the meantime I will have a
proper think about this next week.


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