Talking about Point Ground Laces, which we were as Jenny has just started 
doing Bucks Point, this month's Artefact of the Month picture from The Lace 
Guild (free to everyone who asks) is a beautiful black machine lace Chantilly 

Absolutely stunning and it demonstrates that we shouldn't turn our noses up 
at lace that's not made by hand.  Don't forget that humans designed it and 
programmed the machines to be able to make it (punch cards are not a new 
thing), operated the machines and almost certainly did a lot of hand finishing 
before to was ready to be sold.  Different skills to ours maybe, but highly 
skilled none the less.

To receive the artefact of the month send your email address to  You do not need to be a Lace Guild member (although we'd 
you to join us), and the photos will be send to you near the start of each 
month.  They all feature lace from the collection and can be anything from 
antique to contemporary, from a grand piece like this to a small motif.  A lace 
surprise present every month.

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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