Thank you Jacquie.  It is so nice to hear someone praising other skilled

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:15 AM, <> wrote:

> Talking about Point Ground Laces, which we were as Jenny has just started
> doing Bucks Point, this month's Artefact of the Month picture from The Lace
> Guild (free to everyone who asks) is a beautiful black machine lace
> Chantilly
> shawl.
> Absolutely stunning and it demonstrates that we shouldn't turn our noses up
> at lace that's not made by hand.  Don't forget that humans designed it and
> programmed the machines to be able to make it (punch cards are not a new
> thing), operated the machines and almost certainly did a lot of hand
> finishing
> before to was ready to be sold.  Different skills to ours maybe, but highly
> skilled none the less.
> To receive the artefact of the month send your email address to
>  You do not need to be a Lace Guild member
> (although we'd love
> you to join us), and the photos will be send to you near the start of each
> month.  They all feature lace from the collection and can be anything from
> antique to contemporary, from a grand piece like this to a small motif.  A
> lace
> surprise present every month.
> Jacquie in Lincolnshire
> -
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> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
> Photo site:

Hugs, Lin and the Mali
*I just realized I am so old, I have forgotten I have been there and done

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