Hello Carol,

I will send you some scans from a Dutch magazine "Kant Kwartaal" published by 
Jolanda de Boer-van Nes in 1993.  It is a pattern of a stylised lighthouse in 

Joke Sinclair in wet West-Sussex

On 26 Mar 2014, at 14:59, nestalace.ca...@btinternet.com wrote:

> Hi Spiders All,
> I am hoping that you can help me!     A lace-making friend was hit by the 
> North Sea Surge in December last, and her house is till full of sand and 
> sea-water, as well as other impossible things, but she - and others in the 
> same situation - has had a great deal of help from the local publican, whose 
> inn is called 'The Lighthouse'.   As a small thank-you gesture, she would 
> like to make him a small picture of a lighthouse, but so far none of us can 
> find a pricking.    So - if anyone can eMail me a pricking, or tell me where 
> to source one, I would be cery grateful indeed.   The other possibility is a 
> pricking/pattern for a windmill - the sais could be the beams of the lamps, 
> so if anyone has anything remotely suuitable, do please let me know.
> I know I can rely on you all, and thank you all very much indeed in advance.
> Carol - in North Norfolk, UK
> 'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'
> -
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