Hi All,

For anyone interested in Milanese lace, I have some "insider information".

I have, in my hand, a letter from Anova Books, the company that owns the Batsford imprint.

They are about to add the Read & Kincaid books to their Print on Demand service and also make them available as ebooks. The planned schedule is

Milanese Lace: An Introduction - July

New Braids and Designs in Milanese Lace - August

50 New Milanese Patterns - December

I don't have any more information about how print on demand will work or where ebooks will be available but the publisher, Tina Persaud, has offered to answer queries and can be contacted at

Exciting news and lets hope this will put an end to the ridiculous prices that we've seen! And maybe other Batsford lace books will be transferred to POD & ebook as well.

There are plans for a fourth Milanese book, but that is still a work in progress.

If I hear any more, I'll let you know.

A Happy Easter to all.
in sunny Hampshire, UK

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