Is Lace really quiet these days?  I haven't had a digest for over a week.

thought I would mention that I haven't given up on a get together for our
Arachne group at the convention in Sacramento in August.  I have been trying
to arrange a meeting area for our group with the co-hosts.

I suggest that we
meet on Tuesday evening, say 6:30 pm.  I don't think there are any events
scheduled on Tuesday evening.  Teachers Showcase will be Monday and the
Tat-off is Wednesday.  I can hopefully let you all know where we will meet
before convention, but if not, listen for an announcement on Sunday or look
for a message on the information board.

We can have our usual impromptu free
raffle.  I have some prizes given to me already.  I had about ten people email
me about the cost of a meal in California and they all suggested meeting
somewhere else.  We could bring our own drink to the get together and maybe
some snacks to pass around.  Does that sound okay with everyone?  

content - What classes are you all signed up for.  I am having a break from
Beds and doing Ipswich. I will be bringing my last three Thomas Lester pieces
to the Display Room, which includes the Giraffe that had not been worked
before.  Hoping to learn some new techniques in Ipswich.  Please reply to the
list this time to get a digest generated.


Janice Blair 
CA, 60 miles north of San Diego

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