Hello All!  Whew--what a week in Sacramento!  IOLI rocks!!  My wire lace class 
with Lauran Sundin was beyond my wildest dreams as to content, creativity & 
challenge.  So many techniques, tips, tricks & hints--many of which could be 
applied to other textile endeavors.  Did we make something in class?  
Well--sort of.  Our first sample consumed all of Monday & provided many "ah 
ha!" moments regarding structure, scale & 3D manipulation.  Collectively, the 
rest of the week's samples could be made into a shawl pin if desired or not.  
It seemed like most students prefered to rework their samples & construct the 
pin later.  We also analyzed our lace by photocopying at 100%, 200% & 400%.  Oh 
my, the tiniest lace wart really pops at 400%!  Her class was definitely 
outside the box & a "must attend" if the opportunity presents itself.  My only 
caveat is:  this class could easily have used another 1/2 to full day to allow 
for more lacemaking in class.  Otherwise--who knew that a drill, j!
 ingle bells, a spark plug gapper & paper cut outs could be integral to 
lacemaking?!?  On Wed., my button class with Nancy Nehring was also excellent.  
We made Singleton, Dorset, Shirtwaist, soutache & Victorian star buttons with 
plenty of materials left over to make more at home.  Other activities were over 
the top as were raffle items, exhibit room & the vendor area.  I was totally 
impressed by the event--every bit as nice as EGA (Embroiderers' Guild of 
America) with our membership at 1100+ compared to many thousands for EGA.  I 
really enjoyed meeting Arachne members & others with whom I have corresponded 
over the years.  It was nice to put a face with a name & find that we were 
already lacemaking friends--we just hadn't met in person until Sacramento!  
When I get a free moment, I will post photos of some new-to-me bobbins.  One is 
a green "lace@arachne.com 1st anniversary" with a green/white spider spangle.  
Another is "the Lace Hall Nottingham"--yellow with a cat.  Would!
  love to know more about them from the experts!  The exhibit room was 
overwhelming!  The display of stars, challenge pieces & a huge collection of 
vintage lace (Nancy Evans??) was breathtaking.  Also Lia Baumeister (sp?) 
shared many pieces from her collection as they were modeled at the closing 
banquet.  Many thanks to all who made it a very enjoyable week of lace.  
Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Erie, PA USA

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