Dear Jill,
Sorry if a sentence offended, Jill.  However, I know  that some other 
members of the group you are defending feel just as I do --  that senior 
have a lot to communicate and share with others, but do not  do so even 
within the privacy of  the group.  Individuals were not singled out by name in 
what  I wrote, so they can wonder whom I meant.  At 76, I have little  time 
remaining.  It will not be spent idly.  
Sharing nothing will not help to preserve lace for future  generations.  
Most importantly, students studying the broader subject of textiles  and 
the history of textiles in schools of higher learning need to be able  to 
easily access what is written about lace.  We know that  Arachne is not the 
information source.  We need to take extra time to  personally explain lace 
in whatever circumstance an outsider discovers us. 
Erudite?  Thank you, Jill.  Like so many of my generation, I  worked my way 
through the last years of high school and went to  work full-time the day 
after high school graduation.  All my best friends  went away to colleges, 
and I had to cope for a long time with feeling  that I belonged to a lesser 
class of people.  Not helped at all by  widespread discrimination against 
women in the workplace.  (I did some  assertive things about that, too.)  
Surprise -- I do not have a college degree! 
This discussion is not all about writing on Arachne.  It is about  
volunteering your skills.  Lace is an insecure subject,  faced for over a 
with near-extinction.  Every one of  us has something to contribute.  Please.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center
In a message dated 8/18/2014, writes:
It is  unfortunate that a specific lace group was mentioned by Jeri. I am
friends  with many of the members of that group, and most of them will not
post on  Arachne because they feel that they are not as erudite as some of
those who  regularly post. If their personal opinion is that they have
nothing  "worthy" to say, then why should they write?  I wonder how many
other  Arachne members might feel the same way?  I do not comment on  Jeri's
posts - even though it is clear that they are very thoroughly  researched.
They are most likely of great interest to some members, but I  skim them
because I am usually only casually interested in reading about a  topic in
such detail.

Jill in Milton Keynes,  UK

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