After a tremendous amount of input from fellow arachnids, including Jacquie 
 Tinch who actually pursued the issue with a Madiera representative, it 
sounds as  though Madiera Cotona 50 is actually the same as Madiera Tanne 50. 
If so, then I  have a source for replacing threads in my Madiera Tanne set. 
The concept is that  the Cotona is on a spool, rather than the way that the 
Tanne was done wrapped  around a cardboard cylinder.
Interestingly, it seems from internet research that the Cotona 50 was  
introduced in 2013, which I think means there was quite a gap between when 
 50 disappeared and when Cotona 50 appeared. I recall trying some Cotona 30 
at  one point and thinking it was a bit too fluffy, so I never really 
investigated  further. But, now I have ordered some of the Cotona 50 and from a 
visual  inspection, and also attempting to wind it on a pencil, it seems just 
like the  Madiera Tanne. The color numbers seem to be analogous. Also, of 
the 120 or so  colors now available, many of them seem to be intervening 
numbers in the series  that I already have.
As an experiment, I ordered all the greens available in the Madiera Cotona  
50 that I didn't have in the Madiera Tanne 50. Now I have 25 different 
greens.  Also the green (or actually mustard) number 575 that I was concerned 
about  replacing seems to be be pretty much the same color. I  haven't worked 
with  the threads, so I don't really know if they work the same. 
I posted a picture of the combined Madiera Tanne and Cotona greens in  
numerical order on if  you want to see 
all 25 together. The first two are the same color, 575.
If anyone has any experience with Madiera Cotona 50, I would be  interested 
to hear it.

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