Yes, the List has been very quiet for a while.  Thanks for posting.
I don't the the historical answer to your question, but wanted to make some
comments on pillows.
There are many styles of pillows -- flat, cookies, round balls, bolsters of
various sizes and shapes, roller pillows in a variety of sizes and shapes. 
Lace developed all over Europe in the days when communication was much more
difficult than today.  The style of lace varied, and the bobbins and pillows
used in an area were developed by the people in that area to suit their lace
type.  The threads available to a region varied.   It's easy to imagine how
variations in equipment styles would develop as people found out what worked
best for themselves.

The cookie pillow does seem to appear mainly in the UK, but the continental
seagrass pillow is much the same shape.  Which came first?

Pictures of early UK lacemakers often show big round balls of pillows.  My
imagination can see someone saying that  since only the top portion of the
pillow was used, so why not make a pillow the shape of the top portion only. 
That would result in a sort of cookie pillow. 

Parallel to the pillow development was bobbin development.  When and how did
the Midlands bobbin develop?  They are used on cookie pillows but are not
suitable for bolsters.  Which came first -- cookies or Midlands?  Did they
develop together?
So -- I did not answer your question, but just make it bigger. I will be
watching for comments from those of you who know about one pillow or another.
Alice in Oregon -- starting a week of mostly sunshine and warm for October. 
Will be spending the next 3 weeks getting ready for my lace exhibit at Latimer
Textile Center in Nov and Dec. Wish it was closer to all of you so you could
see it.

     On Monday, October 12, 2015 11:49 AM, Sally Jenkins
<> wrote:

 Hello lacers,

It seems I have not received the digest in several days. Has there been no
activity, or have I been inadvertently dropped? (I will find out if I see
this message posted, right?)

I have been wondering about the history and/or development of the cookie
pillow and its use. It seems all over Europe except for the U.K., the
bolster is the primary way of making lace, but in the U.K. and the U.S.,
the cookie pillow is customary. What caused the change? Maybe this is
addressed in a book someone can point me to.

Just curious,

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