Dear Bobbin Lace Makers,

I'm trying my best to finally sell-off the remainder of bobbin lace making
items I've had in my possession for years and hopefully you'll find items that
you'd like to welcome into your collection and home. I'd like to have
everything sent to new happy homes by year end (December 31, 2015).

All items were lovingly used and cherished by my mother who was a lace maker,
teacher, demonstrator, and collector for 20+ years. She was one of the first
students in Le Puy France and has been deceased for for over 20 years now
(funny how long it sometimes takes us to get things off to new homes).

First and foremost - my goal is to get these off to happy new homes - DO NOT
get deterred by the prices listed - they were put up a few years back based on
researching and trying to speak with actual bobbin lacemakers who gave
thoughts on price (hard to know when it was right).

Anyway - ALL item pricing is negotiable!!!! Do not be shy to make offers and
we'll agree on a price as I am determined to clear everything out before the
end of the year. Figuring out reasonable pricing & all is time-consuming and
challenging to say the least.

Feel free to forward this link to fellow lace makers, collectors, or other
lace making group contacts you have, however I ask that you not list my
personal information without my permission.
Please e-mail me and include a contact phone number (if you are in the US or
Canada) and I’ll get in touch with you to let you know whether I still have
what you’re interested in and what it will cost to ship to you. I have
previously shipped items to Malta and Australia and all over the USA.
Here's the link to the albums with items I still have for sale (I have a few
items I was going to keep myself and may post them in the coming weeks - a
travel pillow, some fancy bobbins...):


There are 6 main albums with photos and descriptions (and within the bobbin
album there are sub-albums).

When you get to the site -
1) click on the category you want (ie - bobbins, threads...) then if there are
subfolders they will show up and you can click on the one of interest (ie
Midland Spangled, Continental,...).
2) When you get into the album - click the first photo on the top line.
You'll find the picture title in the bottom left of your screen this is where
the item# is and the pricing. Just below it will be a description For Ex:
length of bobbin and other descriptive information.
I apologize, but I have no control over the size of the text on the slickpic
When you get to the main gallery page using the link above click on an album
and then in the upper right of your screen you'll see an eye icon. Mouse over
the eye and a drop down list will show up. Click either the Journal View or
the Highlight View as these two views will show you the full descriptions for
each photo (though you should be able to find all the description somewhere on
any of the views.

Many of the items listed have multiple views so if you find items you're
interested in just jot down the item # or description that shows before the

If you are interesed in purchasing items -
1) Make a list of what you want and then e-mail me (include Item # and price –
ex. WMS-12 $14
2) Give me your Name & full mailing address & phone # if in the US (so I can
calculate shipping charges or contact you with any questions)
2) I will e-mail you a total along with shipping pricing/options
3) Once we're agreed on totals then you can send payment via PayPal (I will
give you my acct # at that point)
4) I will ship your purchase. I will make the shipping as streamlined and
economical as possible - and I'll let you know my recommendation.
5) I do ship overseas and will give you options - if you know of a less
expensive method to ship to you please let me know.

I fulfill orders on a 1st come basis - for example if two people e-mail me
wanting the same item I will sell to the 1st e-mail received and I will let
you know if someone else has dibs on something you wanted.

E-mail me and include a phone if you have questions or run into any difficulty
viewing the website.

If you have other lace making contacts and wish to share the link with them
please do so. If you plan to post my contact info. please get my permission
first so that you can let me know where you're posting and what you're
including. :-)

Thank you for your interest and for keeping Bobbin Lace Making alive and well
in the 21st century!


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