While I agree with all the other posters about thread, thread length, etc.,
let me be the first to suggest that your concept of having needle lace be
your "portable" lace may be unrealistic, especially if it is Hollie Point.
Generally people turn to tatting for a portable lace. My colleague has a
sample of needle lace that she made from her own hair while riding on a
train, and she claims it can be done by feeling the stitch snap into place.
However, I believe that the proper place to do needle lace is in a purpose
designed area with state of the art lighting or big windows, a table nearby
for the thread which you need to change constantly, and with an Optivisor
on your head. An Optivisor is a magnification visor that people wear to do
close work. The appearance of an Optivisor  may be frightening to others,
so it is not advisable to use it on public conveyances.
I am a great fan of the Optivisor ever since Irma Osterman, a needle lace
teacher, let me use hers. Your work when you look at it through the
Optivisor may seem uneven to you, but when you take off the visor, it will
seem very neat and even.
Unfortunately, this means that the environment needed for needle lace is
very similar to the environment needed for bobbin lace.

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