Anita wrote:<because I would have had plenty of room for a lace pillow in the
car for the drive to Indy.  But it will be nice to travel "light"!
Anita Hansen>

I am flying again and really appreciate the local co-hosts offering the
purchase of builders foam pillows ($5) which saves room on the flights to and
from convention.  I will be taking a sharp serrated knife with me this year
so that I can cut my 24" square pillow down to a 9" square one.  I also take
a yard of fabric with me to cover it while at convention.  I can stand the
louder noise of the bobbins on the foam for a week, but when I get home, the
cut down block will fit into my block pillow.  The extra fabric that was
around the larger block is useful for wrapping the lace and bobbins in the
journey home in my hand luggage, then I fold it up under the cut block to
bring the height up to my taller block pillow.  Posting this information so
it might be useful for others that fly to conventions.  Last year I stayed
with a friend in Illinois and her husband cut two blocks down for me.  This
year I am only taking one class so only need one pillow.
We have not heard from any local Indiana Arachne that might help organize our
Arachne get together yet. Please speak up if you are a lurker and are helping
at the convention.
Liz, you could do some of your wonderful needlelace on the flight over.  I
don't mind being seen with my magnifier glasses on when working in public even
thought I might look strange.  Hmm, I must ask my dentist what she does with
her old magnifiers that she uses when she is staring in my mouth.  They look
like mini telescopes.
I am gratified that I have received two digests in the last two days.  Keep
them coming.Janice

Janice Blair Murrieta, CA, 

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