Jeri & Arachnoids,

You made an interesting comment about too few antique laces still being in
the public domain.  I have a significant collection of 18th C Binche/Val
and Mechlin, even a few pieces yards long and in pristine condition. My
collection also includes perhaps a hundred or so other pieces of bobbin
and needle lace, a dozen of those museum quality and the rest ranging
from interesting study specimens to a handful of junk (collected early on
in ignorance). I feel rather guilty about having so many good pieces.
especially of one particular and rather rare type.

 My question is what do I do in my Will about this collection?  I don't
want it sold for the pieces just to get buried in someone (else's) private
collection, but I'm concerned about a museum selling or even discarding the
study pieces, even some of the early 18th C pieces simply because there are
so many in my collection.

Obviously a museum of some sort is probably the appropriate place for the
really good pieces, and perhaps a lace group(s) of some sort would take the
study pieces. When considering museums, I'd like the pieces to go back to
Belgium, except they aren't taking their own collections seriously anymore.

What do you (both Jeri and the rest of the list) recommend?  What have
those of you who are collectors done in your Wills, and do you have plans
to dispose of some things before death--if so, how?

If you agree with putting the better pieces in a museum, what museum do you
recommend? Is there any way to keep a study collection (not spectacular
specimens but examples that show something of a type of lace or type of
construction etc.) "in the public domain."?

I'd be interested in any and all comments, recommendations, suggestions,

Connecticut, USA

On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 3:58 PM, <> wrote:

> ...
> Let us consider antique laces.  Too few are still in the public  domain....

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