A quick look at ancestry.co.uk <http://ancestry.co.uk/> and findmypast.co.uk
<http://findmypast.co.uk/>  confirms the UK part.
Convicted at Bedford Assizes summer 1831 for Housebreaking he was initially
sentenced to death, commuted to transportation for life.

LDS Family Search shows that he was born 28 March 1810, baptised at Flitwick
in Bedfordshire on 3 June 1810, son of Aliss and Joseph Dillingham.
The siblings I found easily were Anne born 1798, Millicent born 1800, Joseph
born 1805 and Mary born 1807.  All bapt at Flitwick, but there could have been
more (in an earlier or later register book).

See his gaol record

The Katherine Stewart Forbes arrived Van Demans Land 21 February 1832

The various prison/transportation records in 1831 give his age as 20 and 23,
but it’s not unusual for ages to be slightly out.  The baptism date and the
birth date recorded with the baptism record are much more likely to be


> On 18 Nov 2016, at 21:50, mouracreek <mouracr...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> Result of a quick and dirty hunt (and therefore not genealogically valid
> be figments of fancy of the researchers or poorly researched or just copied
> other such sources]):
> Richard Dillingham from Bedford, born ca 1811 (or March 1810), Father
> Dillingham, Mother Alice Holmes, siblings listed include sisters Amelia,
> and Anne, brothers James and William [and possibly a Joseph as well].
> housebreaking at age 23.  5'7" tall, stout build, brown hair, sentenced to
> but commuted to transportation for life.  Transported to Tasmania on the
> "Katherine Stewart Forbes" , had a friend write home to tell his family that
> years after arrival he was within a mile of Hobart, drove a cart to market,
> to Victoria after Conditional Pardon and died there at age 65.  Letter home
> he had a daughter in Oz called Anne but not married to the mother.

Brenda in Allhallows

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