Hi Sue:

Judging from the lack of anybody chiming in, I don’t think there is, Sue. The 
book wasn’t originally published with patterns, so if you did find one it would 
be a pattern that a lacemaker made from the line drawing in the book - and you 
already have the drawing. Anyone who thoroughly understood Honiton could 
probably replicate this lace from the photograph - just draw lines where the 
pins would go, adjust the size to your thread, and make it from that. 

Sorry, I know I haven’t been very helpful, but most of the early books were 
this way. I was lucky to start making lace right around the time Doris 
Southard’s “Bobbin Lacemaking” was published; it was the only useful book in my 
library. The other books I had were this one (Honiton Lace by Devonia), 
Margaret Maidment’s book, and Louisa Tebbs’ “Art of Bobbin Lace”, all of which 
were very old and quite unhelpful. 

West Vancouver, BC

> I spotted a lovely piece of lace on page 4 of the Honiton Lace book on “the
> professor’s site”
> https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/patterns/weaving/books/archive_032.pdf
> Does anyone know if there is a pattern or pricking available for this piece
> anywhere?
> Sue

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