Hi All,

I have just downloaded the latest win 10 update that is lauding their 3D
programme.  I was excited as many of you will know that, thanks to generous
donors of images, I have a collection of “cylindrical bobbins” that can be
seen on a flat picture.  I.e I have pictures of it from all horizontal

I happily thought  that I would pop one of these in this magic programmes and
get a 3D image.  No, it does not seem to work like that! It is set up to get
3D object printing.  I do not wat that.  I would love to have a 3D image that
I can scroll around with my mouse and look at it all over.

I see there are various “photo to 3D image” programmes out there (Free).
Does there happen to be an “expert” amongst us that can recommend a simple
(beginners) approach to what I am trying to achieve please?

Yes, I have had a few goes, but if there is anyone who might be willing to
“hold my hand” (Jean will be OK with that!!)  I would be so delighted.

It seems to be a very specialist area, but who knows, we are a big community.

To summarize:

I would like to convert say 3 or 4 images that, put together, cover the whole
circumference of the bobbin; into a 3D image that I can manipulate in every
direction with my mouse or cursor.

Perhaps I have the wrong idea and I need to be put right!  More than

If you can help it would be great.

I seem to be asking for a lot of help on this list lately.

Many thanks

Brian (3D image maker….. failed!) ☹

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