Hello, all -
As mentioned in a previous message, I am working on organizing a gathering for
any interested Arachne members at the IOLI Convention in July. This will
happen during the lunch time on Tuesday of that week
In considering options for where we should gather for lunch, it would be
really helpful to get at least some sense of how many might be there - a group
of 10 is very different than a group of 30 :-)  Please email me if you are
interested in coming.  You are not committing yourself to anything if
something comes up - I just need some sense of numbers.
I know many probably read my last message (or the message in the digest when
it showed up) and thought, "oh, yes, I need to email her" and then promptly
forgot.  :-)  Trust me, I've organized enough things this way in my life to
know that it takes a few reminder postings by me to get folks to respond.  I
sent a reply email to everyone I received an email from.  If for some reason
you emailed me and did not get a response back from me, please do try again.
 I'm also a little concerned that my message did not show up in the Archives.
 (Something I've noticed in the past - my messages sometimes show up in the
Archives and sometimes do not and I always use the lace@arachne.com address
and not the one that I know we are not supposed to use.)
Also, if anyone can give any suggestions on how to avoid random gobble-goock
(i.e. extra characters, etc.) from showing up where I've typed spaces and
returns in my messages (as what came through last time), I would appreciate
it!  I've tried looking for a "plain text" option here on Yahoo Message and
can't find anything.  This doesn't happen when I use this email for anything
Looking forward to hearing from many of you and seeing/meeting many of you in
July!Arlene in njabcohen1...@yahoo.com

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