I whole heartedly agree with everything Alice has said about Arachne, 
especially Liz and Avital.  I have made many friends around the globe 
through this list as my husband makes aluminium bobbins though not on 
such a large scale as he did before.

I was introduced to Arachne (after our son, who was in University at the 
time and knew all about the internet and hence managed to tell his two 
old folk what it was all about)  by a friend who joined in the first 
year, 1995.  Lorraine contacted me and said that there was a lady in 
Finland who wanted to know how to care for our aluminium bobbins.  Well 
that was a shock to both my DH and myself as we had no idea our bobbins 
had travelled so far. Apparently the lady won them in a raffle.

So, keep up the good work of the longest list on e-mail on the internet 
with regard to lacemaking in particular.  I read most days but don't 
always comment.  I particularly enjoy Jeri's research articles which are 
full of good sense especially in the archival parts.

I wonder if Tamara is still a member?  And it was nice to see David C 
mention Stormy Lee a while ago.

May we last for a long time yet.
Happy Lacemaking,
Shirley T.  -  in Adelaide, South Australia where we've had the first 
heavy rain shower since before Christmas and the ground is just so glad 
of the drink, but we do need much more.

On 13-Apr-18 4:44 PM, lacel...@frontier.com wrote:
> I found Arachne just after it's first anniversary so I'm not quite a charter 
> member but it was soon after I started making lace.
> The discussions gave me lots of good information and helped my lacemaking.  
> Then the group decided they wanted a conference so Arachne 98 was born.  
> Thanks to Pat and Margaret, we had 60 people from all over the world meet in 
> Nottingham for a week of fun and classes, including attending one of 
> England's large lace fairs.  This sounded so interesting that I decided to 
> attend. It was my first trip off my continent.
> A group of us met at the Victoria and Albert museum in London before the 
> conference.  I think there were a couple dozen or more.  We attended a lace 
> talk, and surprised the presenter.  She was used to only 2 or 3 people at a 
> time.  I even met a lacemaker who lives 30 miles from me who has since become 
> a good friend.
> The Arachne conversations have covered an enormous range of topics.  The 
> archives has much information for the person who wants to search a bit -- 
> from picots to tallies to Russian fillings,etc.
> We have had up to 3000 members at times.  I haven't seen a count for several 
> years so I don't know how many we are right now.
> In the beginning, there was only one list.  To separate the lace topics from 
> the other things, the Lace-Chat list was started.  All non-lace topics were 
> to be directed there (recipes, grandkids, vacations).  Each person can sign 
> up for either or both lists.
> We had Secret Pals for six-month intervals.  A non-identified gift was sent 
> once a month with the sender's name revealed in the last gift. We also had 
> the occasional ornament or bookmark exchange.  Once we had a hanky 
> (lace-edged, of course) exchange. That was in '98 because I exchanged mine in 
> Nottingham instead of mailing it.
> We all generally got along very well, but about twice a year someone would 
> say something that upset someone else, and there would be a short fuss. Liz, 
> our list owner, does not have time to monitor all that is said, so we got 
> Avital to be the Moderator, to step in when someone got testy.  Most 
> conversations are on topic and positive. I think we may be one of the longest 
> continuously active lists on the internet.
> Arachne has stimulated my lace interests and given me friends all around the 
> world.  It has led me to Europe twice, with a third trip in the planning.
> Happy Anniversary to Arachne -- and may it continue a long time.  Thank you, 
> Liz Reynolds.
> Alice in Oregon -- where it has been raining off and on for days with no 
> letup in sight.
> -
> To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
> unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to
> arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacemaker/sets/

To unsubscribe send email to majord...@arachne.com containing the line:
unsubscribe lace y...@address.here. For help, write to
arachne.modera...@gmail.com. Photo site:

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