For my novel, Bobby is attending the University of California Santa Cruz.
It is academic year 1984-1985. (He will be spending the summer of 1985 in
New York.)

He wants to take a class in lace making. It could be bobbin or needle lace
or both.

A member of the list just wrote to me to share her story of how difficult
it was in those days to find a bobbin lace teacher. And how expensive the
lace classes were at the annual convention!

SO: I would, of course, like to be historically accurate. I would like to
show how rare the classes were. (but I do have to have Bobby actually take
a class!)

Do you recall if there were any lace-making teachers who lived in
California, preferably in the Bay Area?

If he needed to he would drive to LA or San Diego but he could only do that
one time.

Any lace suppliers at the time?

I'd like to hear from your recollections. If it turns out that there were
no lace classes in CA in those years, I might have to invent that rare
teacher. (that's why they call it poetic license!) Still, it would be
better if there was a community of lacers to name them.


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