I agree with the first part of Adele’s message. There isn’t a goddess of lace 
because lacemaking postdates the age of specific gods and goddesses. Even in 
more modern polytheistic cultures this would be the case because there is no 
evidence (as far as I’m aware) of any lace existing prior to contact with the 

Where I don’t agree is that we should make any attempt to manufacture a link. 
Why would we want to? What would it give any of us? You might as well choose 
someone associated with lacemaking and call them a god(dess). 

My two cents worth!

Helen (further along the west coast of Canada but without any road links, where 
it is a beautiful sunny day)

> On Dec 5, 2020, at 15:04, Adele Shaak <ash...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> Hmmmm. I would guess there isn’t one, given that lacemaking developed in 
> Europe in the late 15th century, long after people only believed in the one 
> God. Lacemakers did have patron saints, of course - Saint Catherine and Saint 
> Andrew, depending on where the lacemaker lived, and probably other saints in 
> other areas. But they would only be saints, not goddesses.
> <snippety snip>

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