I 'm working in project that consists in
> implementation of a multimedia  extension over IP.
> I set up informations about MPEG Video on the IP
> option fields.
> I want to use this information , in the router side,
> to implemente a EPD (early packet discart) approche.
> The EPD approche consists in the following :
> -it is based on the data unit information, a data
> unit
> may be fragmentated into many IP packet (number of
> packet per data unit is varaible)
> - when we reatch a limit in the queue,we will reject
> a
> packet that belongs to a new unit and we accept only
> a
> packet that belong to an old unit (with is already
> enqueued)
> this approche, is taked from ATM world, : ip packet
> is
> fragmentated into many cell, then if we have to
> reject
> one cell we must do this for all cells that belong
> to
> the same packet (a unit here is a packet)
> my question is how can i used the traffic control
> implemented on linux to do that, i'm working with
> red
> hat 7.2 .
> if you have any idea, or you dindn't understand me
> please send me a mail
> thanks in advance

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