Currently I'm controlling 4 Mbit Connection based on the source and
destination ports, so that ftp traffic doesn't clog the line and udp packets
and other time critical things (ssh, irc, etc...) get priority.

Normally that works just fine, but two problems remain:

- How do I recognize traffic from non-standard ports?
  (like a ftp-server on port 1337)

- Big http-transfers still clog the line
  I want my users to be able to surf fast. But when they download
  big files from a webserver this transfer should be slowed down.

Perhaps a way to slow down any connection that exceeds a certain size would
solve both problems. Any suggestions, pointers or ideas for a better policy
are welcome!


in bunten Bildern wenig Klarheit,
viel Irrtum und ein Fünkchen Wahrheit
        (Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe)
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