> Hi!
> Currently I'm controlling 4 Mbit Connection based on
the source and
> destination ports, so that ftp traffic doesn't clog
the line and udp packets
> and other time critical things (ssh, irc, etc...) get
> Normally that works just fine, but two problems
> - How do I recognize traffic from non-standard ports?
>   (like a ftp-server on port 1337)
> - Big http-transfers still clog the line
>   I want my users to be able to surf fast. But when
they download
>   big files from a webserver this transfer should be
slowed down.
> Perhaps a way to slow down any connection that
exceeds a certain size would
> solve both problems. Any suggestions, pointers or
ideas for a better policy
> are welcome!

WFQ seems to do just this, but in lack of any real
implementation there is wrr:


It has the ability to automatically lower the weights
of streams with high bandwidth-usage.

John Bäckstrand

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