On Friday 16 August 2002 23:09, Amit Kucheria wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sally Floyd's Link sharing paper defines the following:
> 1. Bounded class: class that is not allowed to borrow from ancestor
> classes, regardless of the limit status of those classes.
> 2. Isolated class: class that does not allow non-descendant classes to
> borrow its unused bandwidth and that does not borrow bandwidth from
> other classes in turn
> How does HTB implement a 'bounded class'? I seem to see no constructs to
> be able to do this.
You can use the ceil parameter to bound a class to a certain rate.  With rate 
 = ceil, you will get the same result as the bounded option in cbq.

> The 'ceil' parameter allows us to implement a part of the 'isolated'
> definition above. By setting it equal to 'rate', the class does not
> borrow bandwidth, but what will stop other classes from borrowing its
> unused bandwidth?
Providing no ceil parameter means rate = ceil.  But this can not be used to 
implement isolated like in cbq.  Rate = ceil means the class can not use more 
bandwidth then it's rate.  Isolated in cbq means other classes can not borrow 
bandwidth from the class and that's not the same.  There is no way you can 
implement isolated with htb.  

But with htb you can do something like this :

Total : 100
class1   rate 20   ceil 20
class2   rate 40   ceil 80
class3   rate 40   ceil 80

class 1 is isolated like in cbq.  It can not use more then it's rate/ceil and 
class2 and class3 will never use bandwidth from class1, only from each other. 
 Just like the definition of isolated :)


Btw, I never could get isolated working with cbq.


 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
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