On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Stef Coene wrote:

>> The 'ceil' parameter allows us to implement a part of the 'isolated'
>> definition above. By setting it equal to 'rate', the class does not
>> borrow bandwidth, but what will stop other classes from borrowing its
>> unused bandwidth?
> Providing no ceil parameter means rate = ceil.  But this can not be
> used to implement isolated like in cbq. Rate = ceil means the class
> can not use more bandwidth then it's rate. Isolated in cbq means other
> classes can not borrow bandwidth from the class and that's not the
> same.  There is no way you can implement isolated with htb.
> But with htb you can do something like this :
> Total : 100
> class1   rate 20   ceil 20
> class2   rate 40   ceil 80
> class3   rate 40   ceil 80
> class 1 is isolated like in cbq. It can not use more then it's
> rate/ceil and class2 and class3 will never use bandwidth from class1,
> only from each other. Just like the definition of isolated :)

What happens when there is no traffic in class 1? Will class 2 and 3 
share class 1's bandwidth then?

The reason I am asking these questions is because I am trying to see if 
HTB can be used in place of CBQ in Diffserv. Has anybody tried something 
like this?


I'm an angel!!! Honest!
The horns are just there to hold the halo up straight.
                  Amit Kucheria
          EECS Grad. Research Assistant
         University of Kansas @ Lawrence
   (R): +1-785-830-8521 ||| (C): +1-785-760-2871

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