I've been trying - without success - to aggregate the bandwidth of 3 DSL modems
using the instructions in the HowTo (sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2).

I _believe_ I'm following the instructions to the letter, but when I add the last 
command (the "ip route" with "nexthop") then nothing goes out through the modems.

Each modem works when I add a single default gateway pointing to it, so I don't 
believe the modems are the problem.   

Two of the modems _do_ have private IP addresses (192.168.x.1) - could that be 
confusing the kernel? If so, do I need to get public IP addresses for those modems?

Do I HAVE to create a patched kernel (ala Anastasov)?

May I post the script I used to try this out?

Thanks, folks!

Calvin Dodge
Certified Linux Bigot (tm)
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