On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, zain arrifa'i wrote:
> does anyone know about HTB shaping in a bridging
> machine?
> I currently run my shaper box as bridge and something
> is going strange, such as a class cannot send at rate
> it supposed to.
> I mean if anyone know something about bridging and its
> htb shaping behavior.
> thanks in advance.

I don't know about HTB but I had such configuration:

         |                    ,-- eth0 -+--> Seg1
INET ----+-> ppp0 -- ROUTER --+ (bridge)|
         |           (fwall)  `-- eth1 -+--> Seg2

and I succeded in firewalling and shaping one of the segments with CBQ
(just limiting to some rate, in this example INET=192kbit, seg1=64kbit).

It just worked, of course after applying the correct patches fr bridge
firewalling into the kernel...


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