On Thursday 05 December 2002 12:18, Rimas wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Linux box with kernel-2.4.20 HTB, IMQ patch + iptables-1.2.7a with
> IMQ and patched tc.
> I tried to use htb.init script, wondershaper and myshaper
> (http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/other-formats/html_single/ADSL
>- Bandwidth-Management-HOWTO.html).
> And seems to be the htb doesn't work (doesn't shape a trafic at all)
> I get no error messages.
> How I may check it what is wrong?
You can do tc -s -d class show dev eth0 and examine the sent counters.  Are 
they increasing ???



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