On Thursday 05 December 2002 19:40, Rimas wrote:
> Stef,
> Then I use tc -s -d class show dev eth0 - yes the sent counters are
> increasing.
> myshaper script have missed ( iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-IN -j
> IMQ "this part --todev 1")  and so I can shape incooming and outgoing
> trafic without any problems.
> Thank you for the command tc -s -d class show dev eth0.
> But I still cannot use htb.init script (like you know it is much easer to
> use it, write rules)
> How I may check that problem?
If you use the htb.init script and execute that show command, are the counters 
increasing ??
I think it's more a bad configuration then a htb problem :)



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