> | rate of parent ....  You don't have to follow this rules, but the final
> | shaping result can be strange.
> | See the faq page on www.docum.org.
> I've already seen it :-) But it doesn't say anything like:
> sum (child ceils) <= ceil of parent
> Is there such a rule?
Yes  : child ceil <= ceil of parent (I just added it to the faq page)

> Am I forced somehow to limit 'rate' of class 11:2 under the guaranteed
> value (5000Kbit), but let the 'ceil' equal to this value? It's better to
> give the clients let's say 95% of guaranteed bandwidth instead of 100%?
You can argument that limit a client to 95% will leave 5% for someone else.  
But I think 100% is a better choice.



 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
     #lartc @ irc.oftc.net

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