: I'm experimenting with HTB and IMQ and I'm wondering if there exists a
 : tool to graph the throughput of traffic through my router.
 : I now I can  setup iptables to count packets and read/reset these with a
 : script , but maybe there is allready something MRTG alike but for
 : shorter periods of measurements.

See Stef's rrdtool-based tools [1] or if you need something more like
real-time stats, the Java-based stuff [2], or even his perl tools [3].


  [1] http://www.docum.org/stef.coene/qos/gui/
  [2] http://www.docum.org/stef.coene/qos/java/
  [3] http://www.docum.org/stef.coene/qos/monitor/

Martin A. Brown --- SecurePipe, Inc. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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