Hello, Emmanuel,

Straight to the question:

1. Personally I'm using mostly HTB.
2. Yes, it is in real use - that way I'm controlling traffic in the ISP I'm
working in.
3. I didnt get this question. If you're asking about the HW parameters -
PIII/1Ghz. If you're asking about the quantity of QOS boxen I'm using - 5 of
them, 4 GNU/Linux and one FreeBSD.
4. Yes, I'm using Cisco policers, but not for smth serious. Besides I'm
using FreeBSD altq with CBQ as a shaper (cause that's what it is).

On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 22:56:02 +0200
"Emmanuel SIMON" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 : Helle everybody,
 : I am finishing a computer science degree and I would like to know how you
 : use qos on Linux.
 : Please take a few seconds to answer my questions
 : I would like to know :
 :  - what type of qdisc you use
 :  - if it is only for tests or for a "real" use (what use)
 :  - how much qos box do you use
 :  - do you use anything else (Cisco, Unix ...)
 : I don't know if it is better that you answer to me or to the list, so do as
 : you want. Anyway i will send the result to the list.
 : Thanks in advance
 : Emmanuel

Със здраве,

"Engineering does not require science. Science helps a lot but
people built perfectly good brick walls long before they knew
why cement works."      -Alan Cox       

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