I tried to make IMQ device to work... So I patched the kernel, patched iptables,
made all the stuff, boot to new kernel was ok, module imq was there and it was
ok to load it and 'ip link imq0 up' also worked and imq0 was present in ifconfig
listing. Unitil imq0 was inactive everything was clear and stable.

BUT: Anytime I redirected any traffic to imq0 (with the iptables ... -j IMQ
comand), then the kernel crashed with "Kernal panic!" message.... 

kernel 2.4.21 patched with linux-2.4.21-imq-1.diff
iptables 1.2.8 patched via patch-o-matic-20030107 with pom-20030625.diff

Any tips, hints or whatever?? 

Thanks, Mike
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