On Wednesday 10 September 2003 18:02, Toshiro Viera wrote:
> > > I tried to make IMQ device to work... So I patched the kernel, patched
> > > iptables, made all the stuff, boot to new kernel was ok, module imq was
> > > there and it was ok to load it and 'ip link imq0 up' also worked and
> > > imq0 was present in ifconfig listing. Unitil imq0 was inactive
> > > everything was clear and stable.
> > >
> > > BUT: Anytime I redirected any traffic to imq0 (with the iptables ... -j
> > > IMQ comand), then the kernel crashed with "Kernal panic!" message....
> > >
> > > kernel 2.4.21 patched with linux-2.4.21-imq-1.diff
> > > iptables 1.2.8 patched via patch-o-matic-20030107 with
> > > pom-20030625.diff
> > >
> > > Any tips, hints or whatever??
> >
> > I don't know if it's the case, but never give the imq device an ip
> > address.
> I've been having the same problems (I've also posted it to this list
> with no success). I've noticed that (at least for me) the kernel panics
> when I try to shape both incoming and outgoing traffic using the same
> imq device, if I shape only incoming traffic, everything's OK.
> If you find out something, please let me know.
Mhh.  I can remember me a problem with spaping in and outgoing traffic with 
the same imq device.  But I thought it was solved in the latest imq release.



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