On Saturday, 11 October 2003, at 20:01:04 +0700,
Kristiadi Himawan wrote:

> I want to try to shape 20-30Mbps traffic using HTB.
> It's possible? Anyone already try this?
Very well possible, and you don't need great hardware for this, if you
don't have a rather complex classification scenario.

Just for the record, in the middle of some network performance test for
some sort of appliance I capped outgoing speed to 25 Mbps on my PIII 600
MHz with a 3Com 100 Mbps card, and the box barely spends 1-2 % of CPU
transmitting at "full" speed (full = 25 Mbps).

Hope it helps.

Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
Linux Registered User #189436     Debian Linux Sid (Linux 2.6.0-test6-mm4-lirc)
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