On Saturday, 11 October 2003, at 21:28:10 +0700,
Kristiadi Himawan wrote:

> Below is the script:
> [snipped]
The script seems correct, and very similar to what I use, except I don't
even need to set up a "filter" to direct traffic, because in my tests I
just need to limit the output to some speed.

> When i try to shape 20Mbit, there's dropped packet but i see the bandwidth not 
> shaped to 20Mbit.
> But when shape to 10Mbit, i see the bandwidth down to 13Mbit.
Some time ago there was a report from someone who tried HTB in 2.5.x
kernels and saw a strange behaviour. For details, check:

In short, it seems bandwidth limiting behaves strange for different
outgoing packet sizes.


Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
Linux Registered User #189436     Debian Linux Sid (Linux 2.6.0-test6-mm4-lirc)
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