Witaj Seth,

W Twoim liście datowanym 13 października 2003 (18:24:08) można przeczytać:

SJB> Sorry, I really wasn't paying attention when I wrote this (i.e. I've had
SJB> no sleep).

SJB> I have the routing tables working properly for the internal network.

SJB> What I need to do is have the routing tables update the gateways when a
SJB> line is down.

SJB> i.e.    intranet ----- firewall ----- router1 ----- internet
SJB>                  \-- router2 ----- internet
SJB> Currently, I have the gateway from the firewall being nexthops between
SJB> router1 and router2. This works fine. But what I need to do is have the
SJB> firewall check the links between router1/2 and the internet and switch
SJB> gateways if a line is down.
SJB> What I want to do, but can't figure out how to, is send out a packet
SJB> through router1 and see if it gets an arbitrary number of hops (probably
SJB> 3) out. If not, switch the default route to use the other gateway. This
SJB> needs to be done for both gateways, and there also needs to be a route
SJB> to restore the gateways when the line goes back up.

I have a load balancing setup for 3 uplinks (3 different providers and
technologies) w/failover set with http://www.ssi.bg/~ja/ Nano-HOWTO
(carefully done By-The-Book - any shortcut and it's gone).

When you need to check if the net is reachable with either of the
links just try to ping some machines outside (a set would be nice)
forcing an output address to be one or the other and decide if you
need to change normal multihop gateway to single hop one via link 1 or
2. Should work with nano, because it's preserving output address thus
preserving the routes. Works for me (after some sleepless nights, tons
of caffe :). I can pull the plug out and nothing bad happens
(only the traffic shaping needs some correction).

[cut the rest]


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