"Seth J. Blank" wrote:
> I have finished implementing this step by step, and things still do not
> appear to be working.
> During the testing phase, I have two problems (output which differs from
> what the howto says I should get).
> 1) When I run "ip route list table main", only the proper entries for
> NWE1/NME1 and NWE2/NME2 come up, not the one for NWI/NMI.

The placement within the script of the line:
        ip route del default table main
is probably what is killing this.  When the interface is brought up, an
entry is made into the main table.  You're purging that entry.  So
arrange things so that IFI comes up AFTER the del

The lo device should be in main also.

Another possibility is that the original main table did not have the IFI
entry when you ran
        ip rule add prio ### table main

The final thing that comes to mind is that you did not even execute
        ip link set $IFI up
        ip addr flush dev $IFI
        ip addr add $IPI/$NMI brd + dev $IFI
    (or ip addr add $IPI/$NMI brd $BRDI dev $IFI) # this is the line
that populates main

> 2) "ip route get from (IPE1|IPE2) to" both return
> "network unreachable"

IS the network reachable?!!  My $0.25 is on IFI1 being dead.  Try
        ping -c1 -I eth#
where "#" is set to the first interface.  

> Any help or troubleshooting hints would be greatly appreciated.
> Seth J. Blank
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