Hi Jeroen,

Thanx for your fast answer.

to use the TSC, the processor has to have a tsc, you can see that in /proc/cpuinfo, for as far as I know, every P4 has it (but I'm not sure), it's in the "flags" of cpuinfo:

On my P4-1800:

flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm

The "loop calibrated" jiffies stuff dates back to 386, it's used everywhere in the kernel timing, and it's very inaccurate, I don't know if 2.6 still uses it everwhere, what kind of processor do you have?

I am using and old test machine with an AMD-K7 processor. I think that's the reason I cannot use TSC, it only works in Pentium processors.

I've never tried to change the Hz value, does changing it in param.h really changes the frequency of the clock ticks? If so, why is the default only 100Hz these days? doesn't make sense to me.

I have no ideia why it is still at 100Hz. However, I took this clue from [1].

I do use the PSCHED_CPU in a production environement at the moment, works fine.

OK, that's good news :-)


[1] K. Wagner, "Short Evaluation of Linux's Token-Bucket-Filter (TBF) Queuing Discipline"

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