Hi folks.

Let's say I would like to make some bandwidth control on my network
using HTB. I have 2 clients:


This has 2 NIC's eth1 is local and eth2 is connected to the internet.

It could be nice to have a script, where you could specify, how much
bandwidth you want for a specific host on a network, like, PC1 has
10/100 MBit network, but only has 256/128, when surfing the net. PC2 has
the same network ofc, but 768/384 when surfing/downloading assuming the
shared connection is 1024/512.

I am currently running wondershaper1.1a which works prefectly, but i
wish, it could be more specific.
Could also be nice, if it would be someway possible to check on the
clients IP or MAC address to verify, if it's "really them". Like it's
only PC1 and PC2 who have access to the server in the 192.168.*.*
segment. Hope i make myself clear.

My server runs redhat 9 in cmd mode/no GUI.
Iptables installed script, as firewall.

I think a script as i described, could be very complex to write,
therefore i ask, whoever is here, for help.
Thank you all in advance.

Rune Johannesen

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