Am Sunday 17 October 2004 15:02 schrieb James Lista:
> and about that you say take a look at ipp2p or l7-filter:  errr,  can
> they identify when a user changed edonkey or any other p2p default port
> and limit such packet even so ????

They try to. I'm using IPP2P and it works okay for me.

Although my shaping setup is a little different from what you want to do. 
I've got one class per user, so everyone gets the same share of bandwidth. 
This way it doesn't matter what kind of traffic a user generates, as it 
doesn't influence the others.

Prioritization is then done within the user classes, the only effect of 
that is that a user can still have a lag free SSH connection while he's 
downloading stuff at the same time.

So in my setup, if the user finds a way to trick the prioritization 
settings, he's only tricking himself, because he can't escape his user 
class :)


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