
 : so the sum of all rates of speeds of classes for the clients should be 
 : less than the rate of the class 1:2 ? or i understand it badly ?

Indeed, you understand correctly.  Your client classes are leaf classes.

  - An HTB leaf class guarantees <rate> access.
  - Above <rate>, the leaf class will borrow (from parents) up to <ceil>.

This bears repetition:  the guaranteed total of bandwidth, before HTB 
shaping and borrowing begins, is the sum of the rates of the leaf classes.

  - If you want to make sure that the borrowing and shaping works 
    correctly, be certain to configure HTB so that the leaf (and child) 
    classes can never send more traffic than the parent has in <ceil>.
  - For best results, configure HTB so that the leaf (and child) classes
    can never send more traffic than the parent has in <rate>.

Good luck,


Martin A. Brown --- SecurePipe, Inc. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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