pfer wrote:

Well I won't go into protocol details, but
I do not care if an intra-domain node will be
congested via packets on ingress. I will drop them,
but check with "tc .. show .." how much I get on
byte-level. Based on this, and maximum egress
transmission rate of this congested node, I calculate
Overload%, and remark leaving packets at that ratio.

OK I guess you know what you want - just thinking there wouldn't be much overload% if tcp was about and you were dropping.

Anyway this setup will serve as a demo, having
reservations thoughout the domain for UDP video packet
streams only.

I wrote to netdev-linux mailing list about how to hack
in the sources of tc something like:

for every packet

,where rand() gives a float of 0..1

If that's userspace tc it may be OK - no floats in kernel code AFAIK.

Could you point me to someone who will probably help
me with this?

I think netdev is the right place.

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