Che faccio, lo mando? Nulla da eccepire?


inventati ha scritto:
On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 12:04:11 -0500, sterpone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ho ricevuto questo, chi gli risponde.....
We think that Laser should be included in the article, and would be
really grateful indeed if you could send us a short statement
describing Laser and explaining your aims (250-300 words, not more),
by replying to this email.

Io ho buittato giu' queste righe. CHe se ne pensa? Correggete e cambiate, ma non allungate.
Sono un po' troppe ma ho gia' ottenuto un allargamento da Mute :)

L.A.S.E.R. means Laboratorio Autonomo di Scienza, Epistemologia e Ricerca (Autonomous Laboratory of Science, Epistemology and Research). It was born in Rome, were already during the seventies scientists joined social struggles by criticizing the role of science and technology within society, and denouncing their ânon-neutralityâ.
We have been trying to do about the same, in a new socio-economical context and in several forms. At the beginning as a real collective group composed by people issued from the squatt and other grassroot movements who met at the university. Nowadays, since most of us have been scattered into many different countries abroad from Italy (from Australia to the U.S. and to Brazil), LASER has become a virtual public space: in our website, our copyleft books (freely available on our website) and our radio-activity (an audio-streaming project in collaboration with, one finds an on-going project counter-vulgarisation of science and research. Instead of discoveries (we are NOT a left-wing Discovery Channel), an open network of scientists, students and activists tells where discoveries come from: which powers and interests make a research successful, in which social conditions, and which alternatives are possible.
After having published several copyleft books (freely available on our website) and promoted political and cultural initiatives on such themes, we are now dealing more with the problem of setting science free from intellectual property. We believe that, in a knowledge-based economy, intellectual property is a crucial way of controlling the workforce and limiting its autonomy of creating different needs and goods, and in different conditions. Examples issued from computer science already show that intellectual property rights are no longer necessary to ensure scientific and technological innovation. We try to extend this open culture to other areas of innovation than computer science. Along with this, we are involved in the present struggles concerning the social rights of scientists, and intellectual workers in general: casualization of work is another, complementary to IP, chain in the hand of economical and political power against the social autonomy of brains-at-work.

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