
al Social Forum di parigi nacque una specie di rete tra collettivi e gruppi di "ricercator* antagonisti".
Io e Sterp-1 abbiamo mantenuto i contatti e laser sta nella rete.
La rete ha formulato 4 proposte da presentare al Social Forum di londra (lo so anche a me non va di andare) e noi (intendo LASER) saremmo coordinatori di un seminario sulla ricerca in europa.
Ecco la proposta che si pensa di inviare al SF.



Proposals for 4seminars from the network ”toward citizens’ assemblies on research in Europe”.

This network results from an idea launched during a plenary session and a seminar, during the 2d ESF. Organisations and individuals belonging to the network aim at organising citizens’ assemblies on research in Europe”, to make alternative proposals to the liberal policy of research in Europe, by establishing a real a dialogue between scientists and citizens.

“the main objective of these assemblies would be to show that another type of research is possible in Europe, through a “DEMOCRATIC EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA”

The ideas that arose during the 2nd ESF must now be given flesh, during the 3rd ESF. This is why, 7 associations belonging to the network propose 4 seminars,(under the general theme of citizenship) that will allow to ask the main questions concerning these citizens’ assemblies. For practical reasons, each seminar is proposed and managed by only 2 or 3 of the 7 associations, but the fourth seminar will be devoted to synthesised all the ideas debated during the 3 other ones, in order to gain ground to prepare the assemblies.

List of the seminars proposed by the network “toward citizens’ assemblies on research in Europe”

Seminar n°1, managed by The Association of University Teachers – AUT , with the participation of Espaces Marx, INES, FMTS and Laser (italy)

Title "Growing commercial control of science in Europe- a cancer?"

Seminar N° 2 Managed by Fondations Sciences Citoyennes, Science for the People, and INES

Title “Science and citizenship”

Seminar n°3 Managed by, INES, FMTS, Laser italy

Title “What research policies are appropriate in 'another' Europe? “

SeminarN°4. Managed by Espaces Marx, with the participation of all the others.

A 'Plenary' discussion for the participants in the preceding 3 seminars. The 'Plenary' will prepare a proposal for the formal establishment of citizen’s assemblies for research in Europe”.

The forms filled for each seminar is in a separate attached document.

Janine Guespin

Coordinator of the network

Espaces Marx

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