> I'm going to assume that the answer is "no" (at least if one is not 
> using LabVIEW Real-time), but does anyone know if it's possible to 
> set a delay time of less than 1 millisecond?
> Here's the problem: we set a switch (using a DIO card), wait n 
> MICROseconds (called the Switch Settling Time) and then trigger a 
> Receiver to measure a value.
> Currently this is done in C++.  Naturally I'd like to be able to say 
> that LabVIEW can "do you anything you can do better".  Sadly, I think 
> this time I can't.

As the othe posts pointed out, I don't think you want software timing 
here, but if you want to wait less than a millisecond, it is pretty 
easy, but it will not release the time to the OS.  Build a reentrant 
subVI that wastes time doing something, empty loops work, but you could 
also look for anagrams or compute digits of PI.  Anyway, if the code is 
small, it should be pretty deterministic depending on when the OS 
preempts it for another thread.  At startup, run it to calibrate it on 
the computer you are on and then you can call it to waste time and 
return in 500us.

Greg McKaskle

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