Herbert KOLTSCHIK wrote:

Hello Marco,

what character are you using as decimal point in your text file (dot "." or
comma ",")?

Normaly I use the dot ".".
But you're right, LabView wants a in some fields instead of a dot!

If the language (English or German or something else) & country setting of
the operating system and the language of LabView do not match this can lead
to the problems you described!

The Problem is, that I'm Swiss-German. We normally use the dot als decimal-sign. But in Labview (English Version on a german Win98 with Swiss-German Settings and Keyboard-Layout) I have to use the comma (which isn't on my numeric pad!).
But both settings did not work :-(

This is one reason why I always use English Windows with English LabView.

That's not allways possible :-( I'm using German and English versions of the Operating-Systems.

Argls! Now it works!
Thank you for the Tipp!
For me, this behaviour is definitely a bug! Especially on a swiss-german system, where the dot is the decimal separator (set this way in the system properties too!)

Thanx for the help, now I can just read in the file, which is created by an external tool, change all the dots to comma and hope it works.
Maybe it won't work then on my other machine which has an English Windows NT installed... GREAT!


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